just allan

By allan

Canon Fill

The old Canonmills Bakery sign, framing a cloud in a blue sky, Edinburgh.

In my student days this was a place we could go in the early hours of the morning and buy hot pies straight from the oven. I don't know whether there are still bakeries in Edinburgh with a sales door, but this one's in the past. This is my tribute.

I waited for ages for a blue sky with a perfectly framed cloud and found this one. The old bakery is being renovated to take on a new life. "Dirty Works Clearances" were right in there and I stood by, waiting, snapping, waiting... I'm happy with this one. I don't think the DWC boys were impressed! (And By The Way, the lines across the image are spider webs ;)

A beautiful day which ended with a few pints with friends who had spent the afternoon in their music studio, then home on the 7pm train to meet the children.

Music on the headphones was FourTet's Remix album. Sia's "Breathe Me" in Keiran's hands is sublime.

EDIT: Shpelling mishtook. It's Canonmills, not Cannonmills!

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