Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

splash and bounce

ok so i really am just playing about today. i was going to go with another bird feeder blip but it seemed a tad lazy. so i thought i would try something different.

so out i went to my studio (which is really the extension on the back of the house which is finished but decorated) armed with the bathroom mirror, a cup of water and the syringe from Baby McD's kids ibuprofen...............half an hour later this is the result. not the best pic ever taken but i was pleased with how the very front is in focus and the rest all blurs out a bit.

two days since i handed in my notice and the best news is that they will pay me to the 5th of march even if i leave now. it seems that they are very worried about any negativity being spread throughout the company...........quite right to. our office has alone has a staff of 11 just now but we have had at least 12 different people come and go in that time. surely someone can see that there must be something wrong. anyway, i am finishing up a week today. didn't want to just walk out until i had tied up a few loose ends. at least it also gives me total freedom to search for a job while still being paid............at least for a few weeks anyway.....

have a great weekend folks.

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