Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

crow shadow puppets

well where do i start blippers? it has been a strange and testing week but all is well...............except for the lousy f****ng internet connection i have at home. oh yeah and i quit my job. i knew there was something else.

earlier in the week we paid to have BT send round and engineer to fix the line and resolve our connection issue. it did for about 3 hours. we are now paying to have a sky engineer to come round and check that all is well with the modem wifi thingy (you can tell i'm a real tech head) and he will try and re-install it all. ok, fair enough although i think it is the laptop itself that is causing the problems. again it's just guess work on my part but by process of elimination i reckon it's that little shit.
still i won't know until the sky guy arrives to have a look which won't be until the 21st of feb.............no rush boys, take your time. it's not like i have blips to post or nothing.

so i do apologise for the lack of postings but for some reason my machine at work wouldn't let me upload so i have hi-jacked my bro-in-laws pc for moment so i can backblip the last four days. it really is a major pain in the arse when the connection goes at home.

if you don't go back the last couple of days i would really appreciate some comments on yesterdays blip and it's only one click away. it was experimentation time so any criticism good/bad is very welcome.

and one last thing. scottish rugby is piss poor at this time.........

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