The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Last Orders

At this time of night, the kids can usually be found desperately trying to fit in any last-minute playing that they have overlooked in their otherwise packed schedules for the day. Callum had forgotten to do this jigsaw earlier so that had to get done before he got his pjs on and Ella is frantically trying to play the 'Shopping List' game before milk and cookie time.

I don't know where they get their energy from...for the last half hour I've been sat looking at random stuff on the internet and ignoring the fact that the kitchen needs tidied and Philip has been watching Toy Story 3. Yup, it's life in the fast lane all the way.

Anyhoo, must get back to my chores. That dishwasher isn't going to load itself*

*and apparently nobody else is going to load it either. Grrrr.

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