All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Bouncing back

Another restless night from Ethan last night and hubbie also up half the night coughing which in turn meant not much sleep for me either. It would have been the easiest thing to go and nap in my car at lunchtime today but I decided to see if I could get my blip mojo back and went for a walk round Edinburgh Park instead.

It's the first time I've been out round there with the DSLR rather than my wee compact, which I used to hide in my coat pocket until I saw something I wanted to blip! However, even though it's impossible to be inconspicuous when photographing random things with the DSLR, I soon got into my stride again and ignored any curious looks I got! I got a few ideas for future blips although some of my shots didn't come out as well as they looked in my head, so more practice needed. Good incentive to get out and about more at lunchtime though.

Ethan had another unsettled day at nursery today (although for the first time he didn't cry when I dropped him off in the morning). We'd made a doctors appointment for him as we were worried by the fact he had been refusing fluids as well as solids. The only appointment we could get was 5.30pm and typically they were running late so it was 6pm by the time we were seen. By then it was well past Ethan's dinner time and he was tired and fed up. However, he perked up once the doctor saw us and was laughing away to himself! Anyway, the doctor says he does have a mild respiratory infection but nothing he can give us to improve things (there never is though huh)! We're to keep an eye on his fluid intake as it's important he has some in the next 24 hours. I think it might now be ok though as he did eat some dinner when we got home and also took some water and his bed-time milk too. Phew!

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