All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


I've noticed from looking at my year ago blips, that hubbie, Ethan & I often seem to get ill at exactly the same time each year. Perhaps that means I'll be able to forecast when we're going to have bad weeks next year too! It also means I should have predicted that last night would be an awful one.

After I went to bed at 5.30pm, I dozed on and off until midnight. I woke up when hubbie came to bed and moved Ethan from our bed to his own room. But I then couldn't get back to sleep! I was up and down for the rest of the night getting more hot water bottles (can't stop shivering and shaking), drinks of water etc. Each time, I'd have a wee peek at Ethan fast asleep. Found him like this at 3.39am. Can't believe he didn't wake up from being cold with no duvet over him and funny he was sleeping sideways in the bed too,

I got up at 5am having had no more sleep at all and came downstairs for a bit to see if that would help. But just as I was about to go upstairs again, Ethan woke up at 6am and was really upset. Hubbie not feeling great either but I was in no fit state to look after Ethan, so he has taken the day off, while I curled up in bed.

He took Ethan over to the Foreveryoung household at lunchtime so she could drive Ethan & Eden over to Granny & Grandpa's holiday cottage.

Finally, at 1pm, I managed to fall asleep on the sofa in the conservatory for an hour. Woke up, absolutely sweltering as the sun was out in full today!

Still feeling very fuggy, headachey and weak though. Hope I get a good nights sleep tonight with Ethan being away overnight.

Have also backblipped the following -

Tantrums and Chocolates
"Baby Eden"

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