With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Light and shadows and oranges

The boys and I woke feeling very much under the weather, wobbly teeth, throats etc, but I am a hard mother ......, and we all had to do our stuff. School for them, and a jolly half hour, (but very sweaty and hard work) at the tennis court for me. No matter how much I don't feel like exerting myself, I somehow find I really want to go and hit tennis balls as hard and low as possible over the net. Most therapeutic, and Xavi doesn't seem to mind if I acually hit him sometimes.

After a few little jobs, I met Mich and Wendy and we set off upwards, past the capeletta and towards, but not quite arriving at, the mirador de Ses Barques. The weather kept us guessing as to how many layers we should be wearing and little bursts of sunshine on the jasmine and oranges warmed our little cockles. A fabulous walk, combining some steps (the quick way) and some easier but slower intertwining tracks to rest my poor old back a little. I'm pleased to say I can feel my legs a bit, but the back is doing great so far tonight.

We paused very briefly for coffee in Fornalutx square and then Mich had to RUN back to open up the shop. She wouldn't start running until she got out of eyesight. She has some energy that girl! Thanks Mich for your lovely company.

Wendy and I took the last bit home at a slightly slower pace and then I finished the trip off with a gathering of various types of oranges that she has in her grove. What a treat. I won't ever get over being able to pick whatever fruit I want from any tree, sample the most juicy of fruit, slurp it, and move on to the next. You have to be careful you don't get carried away though! Thanks to Wendy.

I trotted back to town, left the bags of oranges behind the rain guard infront of the door, and nipped up to get the boys on foot from school. Who would have thought I could do all that a few months ago? Not me for sure. More coffee and a little treat for the boys in Café Paris. (No home work for once!), painting for little Agu on his canvas from Ursula. He did a 'things of the sea' painting, and Ben pottered around. Such a full day. I feel a little guilty in some ways, there are other things I could have been working at today. However, I do seem to be getting a lot out of my days, and that can't be bad at all. Please let the energy continue!

The wind is backing to the North and then to the East. Rain forecast. And so back to work feeling lucky I had such a day in great company and weather in March.

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