
By wayfarer

Take A Camera

She's playing our song. The first track on the Abramson Singers album. She should be a blipper. The Abramsons consist of Leah Abramson and - er, that's it. She is really talented - listen here. Tonight she did a short set for a huge crowd of fourteen people, half of whom were there for the beer and the other half, like us, had come out for the gig. She has the talent to go places.

The support was a local guy called Liam Dullaghan who was also the doorman. He sang a few songs and was pretty good too. He has to be up at five in the morning to go to his paying job. I'm really glad that there are people like these two around, making their music and making the world a better place.

This is M's take on the gig

p.s. Thanks to everyone who stopped by for my 200th. I'll try to catch up with you over the next few days.

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