Hanging in There

Sometimes we have to take one day at a time. We have had reports back from our insurer today. It will be interesting. So much power in the hands of others about how your future will be shaped.
Went to look at a flat with a solo parent today, who has lost her new apartment, its entire contents -furniture, and personal items of a lifetime, her job, schools for both her children, and in the present time one of her sons who is unable to live with her as she has no place to sleep him. It is heartbreaking. The flat was grotty and depressing and the price was insane. Lots of landlords have ramped up prices knowing people are desperate. It is very hard to stay positive, but this woman is amazing and cheerful and looks always at as much positive as she can. Some people are truely inspirational.

By the way this photo is the final remains of the upstairs wall where my bedside table used to be. You can see the power cable running down still which I used to plug in the lamp (it used to be inside the wall!). It still has the brass fittings on the end which have got trapped by a brick but were swinging in the breeze earlier. Things are constantly on the way down...The burglar alarm went off yesterday and we couldnt get it to stop. When I rang the electrician and explained he asked if there was anything unusual going on. I had to ask as politely as possible whether the fact that the walls had fallen off the house and the sensors were out on the lawn could possibly have something to do with it? mmm Yes maybe he said...

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