Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

Young Blue Tit

I had to get up early (for me) today as we were having a new pump fitted to our off-mains water supply. For some reason the engineer wanted to start at the rather uncivilised time of 8am. Still with the boiler repair yesterday and the water pump today, we can finally have a really good, hot shower again.

Although unrelated to the blip this does explain why I was up, dressed and sitting in the garden with a cup of coffee by 9am (a pretty rare event for me). I was listening to some study material on the Ipod for half an hour and I noticed the birds had got bored of waiting for me to go away and were feeding in the tree next to me. I picked up the camera and managed to get some nice shots of them. It was handheld with a 400mm lens so some were a bit rough but I liked the look of this chap.

I was a bit confused as it looks like a blue tit but has more yellow around his beak than I am used to. I looked it up and apparently its a juvenile and they lose this later. So I am going to confidently say its a Juvenile Blue Tit and now wait for all the birdwatchers to tell me I am wrong (Again)

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