
17 months 3 days

... is how many teeth Katie now has. And I thought this photo kinda showed it! She was laughing away as I tickled her this morning.

Yesterday tea time we got a call asking us to watch Harrison and Aiden again today. They arrived at 6.30am. But it wasnt a problem because Katie got up at 5.10am. And we got everyone dressed, breakfasted, clean, nappies rechanged and packed in the car for toddlers, with time to spare!

They were really good at toddler group, played nicely without any problems. We stopped at H&A's house to try get their dog to go out for business. He wasnt impressed that I was there, to say the least. We then went out for lunch. On the way, all three of them fell asleep. Sadly, the car stopping in the car park woke Katie and soon after Harrison. Then Aiden woke to their chatter. Ah well!

After lunch, we went to the station. Katie and I's friend, Sarah has come to stay with us for a few days. We went from the station to the park and all three children had a great time in the swings. Harrison found 28 ladybirds, Katie climbed lots of things, and we all enjoyed the fantastic sunshine. So much so that we decided the only option after that was ice cream.

All three children are chilling out, playing with lots of toys, Sarah has been enlisted building towers. The boys are staying for tea, another play and bathtime, so that should be fun. Possibly slightly crazy too. But in a good way.

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