
17 months + 4

Katie's teeth were sore in the night last night. At 2.30 she ended up chewing her teething gummy til she fell asleep cuddled up in bed with me. We got up at 6 and played, pottered etc before she made sufficient noise to wake Sarah who was attempting to be asleep downstairs!

We went to gymnastics this morning. Katie was enjoying the apparatus a lot today. There was lots of balancing things in the freeplay and lots of balancing in the activities too and her confidence in going across the little beams and benches really improved. She only ran for her little sandwiches three times too! Her and Ava are being moved up to the next class after Easter which is very exciting.

After gymnastics we did soft play, but Katie was sad because Ava wasn't there and was walking round saying her name and asking for her. She did have a nice play in some bridges that we built, going on the slide and playing with a baby that we go swimming with. She ate some lunch and fell asleep in the car as we drove to Pizza Hut for a treat lunch. She did wake up whilst we were there and ate some more lunch. She enjoyed the bolognese pasta and got her and Monkey in a bit of a mess.

Once I put her in the car and told her we were going to swimming she got really excited and was squealing all the way there. We got to the car park and got the swimming bag out and she squealed even more! She enjoyed her lesson, although a few of the things she's getting too big for in this class. But she still had fun swimming round and round and splashing a lot. She enjoyed having the pool almost to herself after the lesson and chased balls, ducks and boats for a long time.

She's said some odd new words today. They include sausage, marmite and 'citing (exciting).

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