The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Story of my life...

I really wish I had thought to invest in shares in Calpol and Tixylix.

This is the shelf where all the most-needed, frequently requested, medicines are contained - as you can see there's not much room left for anything else. (In fairness, the two pink packets are multi-vitamins...I live in hope).

Callum is on his second day of anti-biotics but I haven't seen him yet to know about his progress. All I know is we decided, you know that way that you do when you've just had your first baby, that our children were not going to be given antibiotics in the sweetie-like fashion that they seem to be handed out now.

I think I speak for both my husband and I when I say that if the Dr recommended arsenic as a cure for earache, tonsillitis, viral coughs and tummy bugs, we'd actually give it a go.

Sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture for very good reason.

Off tonight to see The Rite with some of my senior pupils. Apparently it's rubbish...can't wait!!

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