The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies


"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful?

I read this quote by William Morris yesterday and it seemed to make a lot of sense to me. So I figured I would go around the house and try and find something that I could justify on both counts...

These are photographs taken of the kids by a very talented pair of local photographers (Gavin and Lisa at Universal Images). Whenever they have taken photos of the kids they really seem to capture their personalities and we are always delighted when we see the proofs. That's the beautiful bit for practical?

Hannah - can now tie her own shoelaces, read stories to her brother and sister and empty the dishwasher. Check.
Ella - shouts so loud that she scares all the local cats out of the garden thereby saving us from clearing up too much cat poo from the garden.
Callum - gets up so early that we no longer have to waste money on needless alarm clocks.

Beautiful and practical, I rest my case.

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