Roly's Life

By Roly


The Powers That Be have decided that Falmouth week, the Fal River Festival, the Oyster Festival, the Sea Shanty Festival and the Beer Festival are not enough celebrations, so this year features the first ever Falmouth Spring Festival

Never ones to miss an oppurtunity, the school is joining in with their own "Spring Flower Show" tomorrow - basically a competition for the children. Bella has made "A bookmark with a spring design (8-12yr old)" at school. Lily has made "A necklace from edible materials" at home this afternoon. Ally is not really interested!

Another category is "A photo taken by a child" so I have let them all loose today with Ben's camera (well it was never going to be mine was it) and printed off 2 of their best efforts.

Competetive? Me?

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