Dear Heart

By dearheart


Dear Heart,
It's nearing that time of year again. That time when you can smell sunshine around you, when you drift off to sleep with the moon not yet up. I can feel it coming, feel it in my fingers and toes. Do you ever think that you can smell the sun on your skin? It's silly, I know.
I went to the field with Becca again today. We lay on our backs so that it felt like we were falling into the sky - pure, endless blue. I contemplated making a daisy chain, but they were peppered around the place so daintily that I couldn't bear to pluck them and spoil their gossip.
Millie and I bought Magnums from Baby Tesco and ate them in the courtyard. I am already aching for late nights outside by smoky fires, talking and eating and just being. Living, I suppose.
Love, Lydia x

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