In Tru Life

By TruLife

A Beautiful Day

Hasn't the weather been lovely in Edinburgh (and lots of UK) lately? I'm loving it and it's making me feel happy (well most of the time)!

Mind you I was pretty upset and still am with my printer refusing to take my cartridges and I have some very important printing to do! I hate printers!

Anyway this afternoon we played in the garden and both girls loved it, then we had to get ready to take Granny (MIL) with us to the gym - while Maddy trampolined we chatted. I think she was a bit surprised and anxious to see how Floriana just explores everywhere and goes on little adventures. She is highly independent when she is out and about and has no fear. At home she is still brave and independent but likes to be near me and have loads of cuddles and kisses! Funny that, you'd think she'd want me near when out, but it's at home. Might be habit more than need then! Hmmmm! Still you can't knock the cuddles!

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