In Tru Life

By TruLife

A Sunny, Funny Walk Home!

The sun was shining this afternoon and we enjoyed a lovely walk home from school. Maddy discovered yesterday that she could make the baby laugh hysterically (like the babies on Youtube) when she pretended to bash into the lamp posts! Maddy loved the reaction and Flori thought big sis was amazing!

Swim day for Maddy and Flori and I joined her. There was a little boy who was left in the baby pool by himself for half an hour after his lesson had finished and I was a bit worried about him. I worried that something had happened to his mum and no one seemed to be watching him, including the life guards as they probably thought he was with someone. Also he was hidden because he was sitting down with just his head poking out and that was hidden behind a pole. I chatted away to him and said Mummy must have forgotten because she was chatting, but I became worried something might have happened so I explained to the life guard and he told me that he was glad I had pointed it out (although I felt as if I was telling tales) as children have to be 12 to be unaccompanied in the pool. The manager soon found Daddy who had actually been to the poolside earlier but had not spoken to the little boy so I didn't think he was anything to do with him. I think it all got sorted and little boy was fine, if a little prune-like and totally bored! lol

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