This day

By snapper

A place to dream!

Had a meeting in Fort William, then lunch then some more talk, finally left the fort and decided to go home via Glencoe as there was so much road works on the other road. Passing through Glencoe I decided seeing as I would not be home in time to get any more work done, I decided to take a drive into Glen Etive. In all the 30 years I have been driving, I have never been down that road and being as the Clan MacIntyre came from there I thought its high time I took a look. (the MacIntyre rent to their feudal lord was a white calf and a snowball in summer)

Well let me tell you, this is Scotland's best kept secret! The views round every corner were stunning, the river Etive takes so many twists and turns and has rock pools, water falls, rapids with ever changing colours., one minute its gushing brown, the next emerald green, the next Gorgonzola blue!. The glen has more mountains that you can shake a stick at. This is the Bayeaux Tapersty of the Highlands. The slendiferious colours were a joy to the photographic eye. the road is epic and not for the faint hearted and there are few houses and absolutly no woollly maggots anywhere. Plenty of deer and majestic lazy stags loafing about in the low evening sun. Loads of wee waterfalls tumbling down over huge malteser shaped rocks.
Almost at the end I came upon a wee white Highland cottage with hens and ducks and a little old lady complete with head scarf, shawl and stick. I would have stopped to take her photo but she remineded me too much of our island Spey wife and had that look in one eye which was bigger than the other that didnt bode of good cheer!

While all the time I was on cloud nine drinking in the amazing vistas and on a photographic high, I was also emotionally drained at the sheer beauty and vastness of this wonderful glen. I wanted to share its magnificene with someone else but I only had myself and at one point I was filled with such longing for dearly departed souls that I could have cried!

Bury me there!

Have a good blip night all.

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