must try harder

By halfcj


My baby. She has served me well and I'm sure would have done for years to come...but we have sprung a leak in the en-suite shower in our bedroom which is directly above the study. To be more accurate...directly above my baby 17" Powerbook G4! What am I going to do!!

It will now be interesting to see how much my Insurance company wriggle out of replacing like for like! It cost me just over £2,000 a couple of years ago, but I'm guessing they'll argue it's no longer new...blah blah blah....£200 excess...wear and tear...etc etc. Over 35 years I've paid insurance premiums and only ever had to claim once for a burglary. This is different, this is damage. A whole new 'grey' area. [anyone have experience of what they are likely to do/value at?]

"Of course we'll need to confirm this was caused by a water seepage", says the claims officer...."...because you're not covered for accidental damage!" she explains.

This is of course OK as it was caused by this leakage, although I feel absolutely sure we ticked that 'accidental damage' box???. Anyhow, what do they think you would do? a bath and throw the laptop in for fun!? She has made me worry, made me feel guilty for wanting to claim on a policy designed specifically for such occassions!

This is my workhorse, my most treasured and trusted servant that has never let me down! The love of my life. My baby! Well, outside of B!

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