must try harder

By halfcj

Meer Dog - simples!

Feels like summer has arrived...let alone Spring! Such a lovely and warm day, first without a coat!

After Dylan's walk, we stopped off for our regular Costa coffee and B went in to pay and collect. Dilly doesn't like being without his mum for very long and gets anxious when she leaves him. This Meerkat impression is something he has always done since he was a puppy, almost as if he were a human, he gets up on his hind legs, on this occassion peering into the shop to see where B had gone and what she was doing. It's not as if we hadn't been there a gazillion times! You could understand if he had been a rescue and had been neglected or left alone fr long periods, but we've had him from 9 weeks old and he's never left our side!

On this occasion, he was on his hind's long enough for me to get my camera out, take off the lens cap, switch it on, fiddle with the setting (CA) and review the finder to switch off the flash, then with one hand (the other holding the lead otherwise he'd be off into the shop after her), composing the shot - not that this is any kind of masterpiece as I thought speed would need to be of the essence - and then shoot, 5 different versions before he came down onto all 4's....much to the amusement and amazement of the 2 ladies on the table to my left (out of shot). I could not resist and offered them a one word explanation of his hind quarters prowess...."Simples!"

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