Full Many a Flower is Born...

Full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste its fragrance on the desert air.

Well it might not have been a country churchyard, but this lone daffodil was looking quite chirpy despite being all alone on a patch of waste ground at the edge of a busy road.

This is in complete contrast to the carpets of daffodils gracing large swathes of Edinburgh at the moment. They make rich pickings for the not so socially conscious amongst us who consider them to be nature's free flower shops and have been picking the blooms to adorn their windows. I blame the students myself, but you know who you are.

The sun came out lazily from the misty murk this morning, along with the rubbish collectors who had the task of gathering up all the bottles and general detritus from yesterday picnics and barbecues in the Meadows.

There was a carnival atmosphere in the park yesterday until after dark, and every rubbish bin was full and overflowing .
The seagulls were noticeably absent from this available feast and in fact have been noticeably absent altogether during these last few days of good weather.
Either they don't like being usurped by people or they are finding it too nice at the seaside to bother squatting inland.

Speaking of squatting, I see the human variety are already taking up their places outside on the grass for another afternoon of sun and chat, while I sit outside with my lunch and watch. Not for too long though, there is a chill in the air still.

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