Swing high

Kerr and I have had a fun packed Friday so far.

It kicked off with a trip to the bank and chemist, then to toddlers. Kerr's favourite toy there at the moment is the kitchen which he busied himself at for a good while. Until the snack table was brought out and he literally ran over to it to get a biscuit. Hmm, running theme here I think.

Then we went to the library. I chose 3 books for Kerr, while he had more fun moving all the little plastic chairs around and generally being too noisy for a library.

Out for lunch next with Ollie the Owl. Kerr was getting tired and was playing up a bit in the restaurant, so we ate up and headed to the swing park. He regained some energy and had a good play on all the things. We walked home via the local horses and said a quick hello to this very friendly one who Kerr has met before.

By the time we got home I tried to get Kerr to nap in his cot. After two cups of warm milk he was still bouncing around the bed with no socks and trousers on and I could hear through the monitor 'clap, clap, hooray!' over and over again.

So, off we went out with the pram again to walk Fudge. Bingo! After about 10 minutes he had fallen asleep and I managed to transfer him back to his cot when we got home. I'm now enjoying a wee sit down until the chaos starts again.

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