It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

A pool's tale

There was a little swimming pool,
Which had an amazing view,
it's water... It was crystal clear,
and it's tiles... they were blue.

Splashing in the water,
the kids would have great fun,
A smashing way to cool off,
in the summer sun.

With screams and joyous shouts,
their laughs would fill the air,
While their parents sat and watched,
comfy, in a chair.

Now it's all gone quiet,
and the water's drained away.
It's rather sad to see the state it's in...
a far cry from it's day.

Moss grows in the bottom,
grass grows between the tiles.
There is even an old hose pipe,
tangled up in piles.

I dangle my legs over the edge,
and when I close my eyes,
I can almost hear echoes of
the laughs and shouts and cries.

Maybe someday it will be restored
to all it's former glory,
I do hope that's the case,
but at least now I've told it's story.

Shaun Manners 2011


I've been blipping blipped! whilst taking this shot.

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