It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

Bogie collection

I picked up my bogies today! (yes that was meant to sound wrong ;) )

Here they are.. a few things that need to be added but I'm really pleased with them. In case you are wondering, they are for the carriage that you sit on behind my train.

I had to go out today and work on someones computer. There is a guy in the office who is quite colourful in the way he speaks (to put it mildly). I was sat there while he was on the phone talking to someone and I could hardly believe how many times he could swear in such a short space of time and not only that, the ironic way he finished it off... it went like:

"I can't get the **** to run true because some **** bashed the **** outta it. I gave the **** to 'im but I'm not gonna swear on that."

It was the "I'm not gonna swear on it" bit that got me... I was having to try really hard not to laugh... I might have to take him a bar of soap next time.

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