Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Curious kitties.

Remember Sukie and Jess our neighbours kittens? We hardly ever see them out and about and they are very shy but curiosity got the better of them today and they came visiting :)

They were very well behaved and had a tentative nose around and a game with a ball of string but weren't much up for pats and cuddles. In sharp contrast to The Ginger Menace who can't wait to meet new folk and get in amongst everything!

Speaking of the Ginger one, my sis called the other night to tell us of Brian's latest exploits - she was getting ready for work in the morning and B was dashing around her bedroom getting underfoot as usual, then became preoccupied with the sink they have in their room (He loves sinks). So he was up on the basin messing about when to Claires utter amazement he straddled himself across it and hunkered down, then peed straight down the plughole!!!

He's never ever peed anywhere except in his litter box before and it was in the hall barely 10 feet away. SO WEIRD! She said it was incredible, he aimed perfectly and didn't get any on the sink! Can't imagine why he'd take it into his head to do that. Strange creature.


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