Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Having a bad day pain-wise but I think I've just been doing too much recently and my body can't take it! Always pretty bad after I've been travelling at all (theres something about sitting on a train rather than on my sofa that just makes me ache all over!) and I still have a trip up north on tues then back on thurs to look forward to. Yay... However hopefully that will be the bridesmaid dress finally sorted and I wont need to go again before the wedding. Fingers crossed. I'm fed up of the dress stress!

In better news, my jaw doesn't hurt today and I can eat again! Hooray! Starving though, now I can eat again I don't want to stop. Luckily I only have healthy food in the house so I'm making do with oatcakes and cups of tea!

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