Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Sticks and stones

So given today was one of the busiest for a while, and given that I never actually saw the outside world between 8.30 am and 8.30pm, I thought I would use one of the cases today, to give you all a salutory warning.

Sticks, (and stones) do not mix with dogs.

This is a photo, (to keep it within the rules), of an xray I took today.
This poor little dog ran onto a stick which it was playing with, and the xray is of the neck and base of the skull. The highlighted solid white area is a blunt probe that I passed into the resulting hole in the back of the dog's mouth, which ran some 4 inches into the throat and neck.

Thankfully the stick missed the major vessels in the neck, and also the base of the brain and spinal cord.

But it could have been so different.

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