The Daily Bun

By pennybun

No 56 Pintail

Been to RSPB Old Moor today with a friend. It was about catching up and having lunch, so I wasn't focussing on the photography and birds to the same extent as normal. What a difference a day makes - the weather today was pretty cold and dull, but in spite of all these, we saw plenty of good birds, and even a few year ticks. Wath Ings was alive with sand martins, and there was a much wider range of waterfowl than I've seen of late. In my steady progress towards 100 different birdblips, I had a choice of this pintail, which came out remarkably well, I think considering the light, distance, and lack of care with my camera settings and this redshank. I'm feeling confident about seeing more redshanks but the pintail might be more elusive. You never know with birds. It was great to be out after a few days cooped up decorating, so the colder whether didn't matter so much.

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