The urban jumble

It should have been a wander round Pennywell but I had Ewan and Ellen this morning and wandering around wasn't really going to work. It works better when Mandy's got the car and me and Ewan can wander from the swimming to Gerry's.

Today we drove down the Cramond foreshore and the bairns played on the beach while ai faffed around with the camera and welding glass getting nothing. Had a snack at the tea room there. Seems to have been newly taken over by the most tight arsed bastard, who wouldn't let a wee girl use the toilet without either buying something or paying 30p. She didn't have any money but he wouldn't budge. A woman nearby gave her the money.

Then we went to Edinburgh to meet the Moores at Edinburgh Castle. What's there to say? It's a castle. Actually not a very interesting one. A jumble of buildings inside a wall. Midn you, it's a big jumble of buildings outside the wall too. Still, thon castle's overpriced with overdone exhibitions of swords and shit. But it was a nice wander around with pals and the kids.

Blipwander tomorrow.

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