Same Shit, Different Day

I went to two baseball games this afternoon. Marist won the first, but lost the second. This broke their 13 game winning streak.Boo

Took this on my walk this evening. I was going to go down to Earth Hour and take pictures. When you turn off all electronics for an hour and dance around a bonfire like a hippie (Well at least thats what it looked like from afar). But I didn't go because I think a camera is considered an electronic device and I didnt want them to chase me away with pitchforks.

Spent the rest of the night in my favorite place Leo Hall with an assortment of people. Wish I lived there instead of Marian. Ate some delicious pizza, cotton candy, and played a lovely game of Apples To Apples in which I found out I am a believable person. :) Of course.

"Ask most people what they want out of life, and the answer is simple: to be happy. Maybe it's this expectation though, the wanting to be happy, that just keeps us from ever getting there. Maybe the more we try and will ourselves to states of bliss, the more confused we get, to the point where we don't recognize ourselves. Instead, we just keep smiling, trying like hell to be the happy people we wish we were. Until eventually, it hits us: it's been there all along. Not in our dreams or hopes, but in the known. The comfortable. The familiar."
-Grey's Anatomy

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