
17 months + 6

We went to Lambing Day today! Sadly, no lambs were actually born whilst we were there. But we have had such a wonderful time. We saw: meerkats, alpacas, wallabies (with joeys), lemurs, a weird small ostrich thing, 3 huge avaries. In the first part of the grounds. We then went through the pig section, with 5 different barns of pigs, from teeny tinies to big ones. Katie loved the pigs a lot.

We then walked round the field of lambs and mums that where a few weeks old and able to be out and about and playing. We went into the lambing barn then and saw some really really tiny lambs. Some that were still very wobbly on the legs. At the far end of the barn, was a petting corner. Katie got really excited and was reaching for the lambs all the time that we were queuing. She sat so nicely with me, and gave the lamb cuddles, strokes, and no pokes. Just gentle touching and loads of smiles.

We then went and watched showjumping demonstrations and Katie clapped every time one jumped the fences. She was really good and loved watching it. We stopped then for a picnic, and Katie was watching the alpacas as we ate.

From there we went back to the meerkats again (cats as Katie called them - she loved them a lot!). She was rather irritated that I wouldnt let her put her hands in to the mini-ostrich thing! We went back for another visit to the lambs and she got brought a second lamb to pet.

There was another building with lots of small animals inside too, so we saw degu, chinchillas, guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, gerbils. There was a huge aquariam that she flapped a lot at. And of course she loved the dog agility arena.

I was massively surprised by the whole thing, I'd never been to the venue and it was impressive. A really great day. Must have been, she's flat out sleeping now! She's done brilliantly, because she's not well and had a bad night, but was adamant she wanted to go out, and loved it all.

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