Cherry Blossom

Love our cherry blossom tree, it's still a baby but gets bigger and more beautiful every year. Before having Aidan I loved my garden and spent ages tending to it. I really haven't had much time or energy to love my garden as I did. I hope to be able to get it smartened up a bit this summer.

Aidan slept well last night and enjoyed swimming this morning. He must have been really tired as he fell asleep in the car on the way back from swimming. He continued to sleep in his cot till lunchtime. So he missed out on breakfast as he just has a snack before swimming. He didn't seem to mind though and was in a very good mood when he woke up.

We went to the shops so I could buy more wool (very exciting!). Aidan doesn't like the shops as he can't run freely wherever he wants. Now that we're home daddy and Aidan are kicking a ball in the garden. I can hear Aidan shouting 'ball, ball' so he must be having fun.

I'm not feeling great, the cough Aidan has passed on to me is getting worse. I only managed to sleep for a couple of hours last night. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight and be over this soon!

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