Off to new beginnings

By preussischblau

Berliner Philharmonie

After another beautiful, very busy day (Mondays always are a bit mad), I met my brother at the Philharmonie, Berlin's greatest concert hall with amazing acoustics. His girlfriend is part of the big university orchestra (she plays the piccolo) who was giving a performance together with a semi-professional French university orchestra - de Falla, Duparc and Poulenc were being played and it was absolutely lovely. I always find it incredibly comforting, that, even in our restless, modern times, more than 2,500 people can manage to become completely quiet and still in anticipation just because the conductor raises his hand. Sadly, we didn't get to see Barenboim or Sir Simon Rattle (their concerts always sell out very quickly and cost a fortune) - but that shall be for another time.

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