Off to new beginnings

By preussischblau


Lilli has always been a very concentrated little girl (VERY unlike her brother). When she does something, she really gets lost in it. It's a skill I hope she will always keep - I wish I had that kind of devotion.

Went on a little trip to our local IKEA today, and my god, it was weird. I played a little game - "We still live in Edinburgh, the whole Berlin thing was just in my head". I couldn't believe globalisation went this far - it was all exactly like in Edinburgh, even the cut through between curtains and plants/candles. It was so strange, I actually felt a bit upset. A few differences - "dog posts" (with leads, cushions and water bowls) outside, a rather large pet section inside, and not as many postcards as I would have liked.

And by the way - what's the point of going to IKEA without a car? None really.

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