The hunter

It seems that Archie is back to normal after his dog attack a few weeks ago, he is back to trying to follow us wherever we go. Saturday he wanted to visit the beach and today he came to the park. He soon got bored of the swings and slides and decided to check out the field instead. This unsuspecting seagull was his target, so funny to watch him walk by nonchalantly so that he could line himself up just where he wanted to be. He than crouched and slowly crept forward before breaking into the sprint you see here leaping into the air to try to catch his prey. He was unsuccessful this time, though I have no doubt he'll try again.

Jack and Erin are still struggling with their coughs, the temps seem to have stopped and their appetites are returning but they are still coughing all day and night. Not sure how I haven't got it yet as most of the coughs are directly into my face!!!

No seagulls were harmed in the making of this blip, although they were severly p****ed off!!

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