Cwrw Croyw

By cwrwcroyw


Spent the day with elephants at a camp in ChiangMai. Am now totally enchanted by these wonderful animals.

After an hour long elephant ride (a 42yr old female, obviously just right for me!!!) I was entertained by the team bath in the river, followed by lots of tricks including elephant football and basketball. The most amazing thing was the elephant painting where members of the pachyderm artist community generate somewhat minimalist art using their trunks to hold brushes that have been tipped with paint.

For my blip today, I was torn between a happy picture of the team bath, a picture of one of the elephants painting, a sad picture of the feet of one elephant bound in chains or this picture.

Eventually, I opted for this one. The moment was captured as she was finishing her masterpiece. Not too sure what is going on in there behind that eye, but there's more than I originally thought. I felt I had seen eye to eye with a pachyderm for the first time ever.

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