Another Day

By pcc


Another glorious day today, little more wind.
Off to the gym, then groceries, and try my hand at a bit of cooking.
The vegetarian self crusting quiche was not a great success, but eatable. the chicken dish was good and the Kumara soup was excellent. Wanting to put a few things in the freezer to take away with me this coming weekend. So two out of 3 is OK for me.
Thanks for all the messages for Amber and her speedy recovery.
Must have worked miracles, although now and again there is a wee whimper, on a whole she is great, and has been outside and having a wee bark. Her eyes already are open much wider than before, and they are moist looking without a discharge - so onwards and upwards we hope.
This is a leaf - possibly a rhododendron - that I had picked up - have taken it on a lightbox.

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