Bella Luce.

By Rebbbb

Responsibility & Dedication.

My "Buddy" & "Monitor" badges. Which I have to wear on my school blazer. Everyday. Sucks I know.

Being a buddy is basically looking after 3 first ears who have just came up to high school. In general, thats 3 eleven year olds to look after & guide them through their first year.
And being a monitor, is basically make sure people go the one way system in the school corridors. Blah Blah Blah. You get the gist.

And you also see my much adored computer screen. (Sad i know.) The window I have open as you can see, is Magenta's Hair & babies. as seen on Blipfoto. Well done for your 100th blip :)

And facebook is also open. Complete with my conversation with my 2 older cousins. I would like to bring facebook to the world of Blip. As of tomorrow, I will start the 30 day photo challenge.

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