
By covet

Bolt Cutting

On site today - weather was fine: cloudy, perhaps some haze. Perfect for a day of groundwater monitoring.
Slight spanner in the works - the discovery that the padlocks securing the borehole covers, every single one of them, after years exposed to the elements were so badly rusted they were rendered useless. We were forced to bring out the big guns - the bolt cutters. This is the most impressive bit of kit I've used in a long while.....!

Such a lovely afternoon, all sorts of birds an exciting wildlife around, down here in Sussex, that I couldn't resist an early evening jog before dinner.

On balance: a successful day, ahead of schedule, with some good work to look forward to in the morning to finish the job. Throw a 6k run into the mix, and today surely I deserved that pear tart tat.... Yum.

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