Trial and Error

By DawnC

Maybe Not

I was going to blip a tree (or technically two trees) for a change but weakened and went for this one instead. I've mentioned before that Basil has a habit of going off with random dog walkers, hanging out with them for a while, and then eventually deciding to come back to me and Polly. Well today, for once, he didn't go off.

When he was about six months old he was scared by a jogger and, to cut a long story short, fled and was missing for three hours. Ever since then he's not been keen on joggers and particularly hates the 118 118 guys in the TV adverts and barks at them whenever they appear.

I went through a jogging phase myself and used to run around our circuit in the woods. Polly took to it quite enthusiastically but whenever I looked round Basil would be trailing behind, tongue hanging out, looking utterly fed up. So there was little chance of him going off with this chap and his dogs this morning and for once he stayed with me and Polly for the whole walk.

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