The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Tick Tock Tick Tock It's Nearly Wine O'Clock


Holidays begin today (for part-timers like moi).

This is most excellent on two accounts:

i) I am knackered and was liable to spend the next week curled in the foetal position in the corner of my classroom snarling at any pupil that dared to come near me.
b) It means I can legitimately drink wine on a school night.

What's not to like about that?

Now, I don't want to add to any stereotypes about the Scots and their drinking habits. We are a relatively dry house for the most part, but there is something really quite splendid about that first wee burst of wine - oblivion and happiness thy name is Pinot Grigio.

I sound like a wino.

Before these heady heights of giddy oblivion can be met I've got to go and sort out the washing. See, it might be the holidays but no-one thought to hire some extra help so I could actually get some time off? Ah well, no rest for the wicked.

Hope you've all had a great Thursday blippers. Roll on the hollerdays!

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