The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Cook and Book

The great thing about cookery books is that they combine two of my very favourite things: cooking and reading. I like those cookery books that are more than just instructions on how to make things, but actually give you an insight into the cook's life; their reasons for cooking. I'm not even that bothered about the recipes in some of the books (I've never cooked anything from the Hell's Kitchen cookbook, but rather bought it because I found MPW so intensely amusing on the telly). I'll probably never cook anything from the Raymond Blanc book, but if you want to know French cookery you have to go to the man(oir - ha, see what I did?) himself...

One day when I am rich and can afford an Aga, I'll have a bookcase in my kitchen, it will have an eclectic mix of cookbooks from all over the world (because I'll have travelled so extensively by then, perhaps even further than Huntly). Until then, I'll keep buying the BBC Good Food magazine and ripping out recipes to put into ring binders.

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