Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Random Dressed-up Friday

An alternate title for this is "muppet" because that's what I am, after getting carried away with the "delete" button on Sky+ last night and accidentally deleting the last episode of The Killing. 19 hours of stunning, Danish TV and now I don't know whodunnit. Eejit. It's not repeated and I never seem to have much joy with iPlayer. Grrr.

Anyway - today's blip. I have to give a presentation this morning in front of assorted profs and clinicians from the Uni plus a bigwig from one of the Research Councils and so have to dress like a grown-up.

This isn't the shot I'd intended to use but the others were either out of focus or included the cable from the lamp or the cable-release. And if you're wondering why the back of my ankles look oddly dark, it's because I'm wearing seamed hold-ups and they have a funny thing on the ankle. That was also another plan for today's blip - a shot of me walking away from the camera so you could see the seams, but again they were out of focus or I missed part of a shoe off.


Anyhoo - this is for wintersixfour

You can check to see if I've hoovered properly in large.

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