
By mandygf

who's the fool?

I can't believe it's April already.... where is this year going???

Not a good start to the morning... when we went to South Africa we brought back a hand crafted table (anyone who has been there will know the one's I'm talking about), well the teen decided to use it a a seat this morning... & it broke, she then went on to tell me she only put her bag on it... does she think I was born yesterday?

At 13 I'd have thought she'd be able to work out the consequences of her actions.... especially when we've been telling wee man for days that he can sit on it as it will break... & yes she was in the room when we said it....

So needless to say we have a very unhappy teen as she has been grounded for the weekend & no laptop either.... so I now have to endure all the "it's so unfair... what am I supposed to do now... I'm bored.... but it's holidays...."

& my answer was... "tough you should have thought about that before you sat on my table & broke it & then went on to lie about it... & you're lucky it's not the whole week, but carry on & we can make it longer for you....."

this is her & the wee man lying on my bed watching "Peppa Pig".....

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