
By Appreciation


There's more than one type of firework you know. Here I used the fireworks setting on the coolpix to get a longer exposure. See, I'm learning. The smallness of the camera in my hand led to lots of camera shake so I sat it on a wall, but even just resting my hand on it so it didn't fall over resulted in a bit of a shake.

I've wanted to take a night shot of the bridge for a while but am normally away from Queensferry by then, or don't really want to go back. Tonight I was resting my hand on some other little fireworks in an attempt to stop the shaking and full blown erruption. I hope I managed.

Thank goodness for those 2 hours this afternoon in the blustering wind up at the allotment planting tatties. It's all that is keeping me sane and I so appreciate the time it offers to unwind and relax. Today with my pal I managed several belly busting laughs too, but I couldn't possibly say what they were about.

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