Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Ay Caramba!

Another interesting day today - full of magical sights like the one above.

Took a bus to a beautiful coastal area, then went on a pretty good hike/trail run through a series of often precarious hiking routes. The trail was punctuated with the occaisional deserted beach (there's no road access to this part of the coast) where I'd sit and read a book for a while, pretty much in paradise.
Finally I made it to the end, a more touristy beach due to some large boat tours.

I don't know if you've seen the movie 'Ice Cold in Alex', but as I sat down at a bar, after finally persuading the barman I didn't need a cocktail housed in half a giant coconut, I eyed my corona and it's chunk of lime with as much anticipation as this guy.
I sank a couple, reading some more of this brilliant book, before heading back to where I started in a somewhat terrifying water taxi. As I disembarked, making discreetly sure I hadn't soiled myself, a man and his wife offered me a lift back to town in their jeep, saving me the hassle of a bus.

All was going swimmingly as the man told me he liked to practice his English, and explained how they were heading to China for a trip in August.
Suddenly there's a noise behind us, and I turn to see as police car pulling us over.
Now I'm sure this is a routine occurence, but thanks to the world of scaremongering news networks and the like, I felt a little unnerved. I shrugged it of though, but then turned to see the driver physically shaking from the ground up. As the policeman told him to remove his keys from the ignition he was shaking so much he could barely even grab hold of them.
As the officer ordered me to empty my rucksack I could feel my sphincter tighten up. But then as I emptied out water bottles, bug spray and maps, he simply laughed and told me it was okay.
He talked to the guy for another five minutes, then let us go.
The driver got back in the car, blaming his trembling on a medical condition, and off we drove back to town.

I thanked him as he dropped me by my hostel, then thanked the world for another fantastic day, interesting in more ways than one.

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