
By cracker

The New Beach House!

It's been a pretty cruisey day today. No fishing at it is too windy! We had a friend, John, come over this morning at about 11 and we chatted for a while, had lunch and then went around to our new beach house to have a look! John has done a few renovations and built a house before so we wanted his opinion on making the second living area of the house into a third bedroom. He said it should be fairly straight forward to do it and he would even help us do it ourselves!! So that will be an exciting project!

Kaz, Spence and I went to the Toora pub for tea tonight. They have a great kids room that Spence loves playing in and it means Kaz and I can chat together. The food was good and we had a great time. We have just put Spence to bed and are hoping that he sleeps for a long time tonight! Daylight savings ends tonight so we have to put the clocks back an hour so what would have been 7am will tomorrow be 6am! We are expecting an early morning. Kaz and I might go to bed and watch a couple of episodes of Grand Designs!

I rode around to the new house this afternoon before we went out and took a couple of photos of the outside of it for you all to see! So here is the new beach house! Once it is ours, we will rent it out as much as we can to bring in some money for it but we can use it the rest of the time! We got the contracts to sign today so will hand them back on Monday! It is a 90 day settlement so it won't be until the end of June until we get possession of it but it's very exciting!

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