The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

The Truman Show

Surreal moments no.6,456,003

We spent a lot of time this afternoon at the kitchen table pottering with the crafty stuff. Hannah decided to make some paper people to live in a paper house. (That's them up there). Whilst she was making them, Ella starting making up a little game involving the paper people waiting to have items made for their paper house: a table, a sofa made of pompoms, some beds...pretty run of the mill stuff. Until Hannah started to be both a character in the game (the baby) and herself (in the real world) as a person that the characters went to in order to have their stuff made. She even started to talk about herself in the third person. She was both in the game and out with the game.

And then we went for a tootle about on the bikes and scooters. Ella was biking along quite the thing when she asked "Are we on t.v.?" I said "no". She replied, firmly

"Yes, we are."

Thing is, what if she's right and we are on t.v? What if Hannah actually saw through the Matrix earlier and had a moment of utter clarity where she realised what it was to be both created and creator??

What if...What if I stopped drinking red wine with my supper?

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