just allan

By allan

Welcome Home

(The following in iambic pentameter -
Each line | has a | metre | of 5 | 'ti-tum's.
I'm reading Stephen Fry's "The Ode less travelled" which sets exercises to write your own.
So for the sake of it, here come some words.).

The kittiwakes have arrived in Dunbar!
After the wind calmed down, we went to swim
Just Katie and Dad on our four wheeled bike.

Our view from in the swimming pool was of
Sea, sky, castle and cliffs, the Bass Rock far
Out in the Firth of Forth surrounded by
White summer clouds of gannets nesting there.

On Dunbar cliffs and castle walls our birds
Have made their nests on tiny shelves, from grass
And string they find on harbour and on shore.
Pairs of birds sit with each other, calling
Their name out loud and clearly - Kittiwake!


Lots more photos (no more iambic pentameter you'll be glad to hear!) on Flickr.

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